Its so not fair that we wait so long for summer and when it gets here its almost over in the blink of an eye. With only a month left to try to fit everything in I found myself going back to my bucket list to see if I actually did anything that I set out to do, and to my surprise I was able to check off more than I thought!

Random weekend getaway: Although not completely random I was able to go down to the 757 to see my wonderful friends, chill by the pool and just catch up. Havent seen them in months and it felt like we were never apart.
Baseball game: My love for baseball has def grown over the past few years! With the Nats playing so well last season I knew that I had to make it to at least one game this summer. An old co worker of mine had tickets and invited me to go so I hopped at the chance. If it were a dodgers game (Matt Kemp) my life would be complete!
Cant wait to finish up the rest of this list and maybe add a few more! Have you guys checked off anything from your summer bucket list?